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3RD Faction Red Warrior Banner is waiting for you...

3RD Faction Red Warrior Banner is waiting for you...


Roter Krieger Ingress Mosaik

Hello Agents! One of our favorite parts about Ingress is traveling and exploring new places. And one of the things that let's us find those places are banner missions. By making our team snake through places to get every portal we get a reward and a long lasting memory of an image.

So, let us ask you, what are some of your favorite Banner Missions that you have done? What ones have you seen that you would like to do yourself? 

Everyone who will pass RED WARRIOR BANNER in Munich will get from us 2000 XMP BURSTERS FOR FREE.
Just send us your profile screenshot with this banner and 2000 XMP will be yours!

More info about this banner you can find here